Play Room
Childhood cancer is a disease that creates not only physical negativity but also psychological and social negativity. Chemotherapy, hospitalization, separation from family, leaving school, meeting strangers, threats to bodily integrity, and limitation of physical abilities are factors that affect the psychosocial adjustment of children with the start of the disease. Therefore, psychosocial support is seen as an extension of medical treatment.
Paying attention to the emotional, psychological, and spiritual needs of the children positively affect their responses to the treatment. Hospital playrooms are set up in many countries and child-oriented activities are organized in these spaces to eliminate psychosocial problems of children who receive inpatient treatment. As for Turkey, there are not any playrooms for children in many centers that provide services in the field of pediatric hematology and oncology. KAÇUV provides service of installation of playrooms in centers without any playrooms and offers centers that have playrooms renovation and furnishing services to preserve hygienic conditions.
Through the projects and activities implemented in the playrooms with KAÇUV volunteers, we aim to fulfill the social needs of children undergoing cancer treatment during long-term hospitalizations, promote their social and emotional development, and support them to adapt to the treatment, and to improve their skills of self-expression.
Also, increasing the morale and motivation of the children receiving treatment, reducing their levels of stress, and transforming cold and distant hospital services into child-friendly places are among our main objectives.